Insurance Coverage for New Flooring Materials Installed in Your Residence

Research some insurance guidelines that will help you choose coverage for the new flooring materials you plan on installing in your residence. Then, contact one of our agents who serve Hope Hills, NC to discuss your insurance needs.


New flooring materials installed within your residence will increase its value. The type of flooring you select could influence how much coverage you need.

Flooring materials prone to scratching or fading over time may require moderate coverage. Consider the value of the new flooring and whether any of the flooring materials will be covered by a warranty.

Usage and Layout

A liability policy can cover the new flooring materials, damage, and theft.

Examine how the new flooring will be utilized. If flooring is going to be used to upgrade an existing staircase, for instance, you may want to purchase liability coverage. Liability coverage will protect against injuries that occur within your residence.

If someone slips on the new flooring materials, your liability coverage will reimburse you for any out-of-pocket costs you are responsible for.

Assess the flooring’s layout. If any of the materials are susceptible to damage, they should be added to your home insurance policy.

More Assistance

One of our Cross Creek Insurance agents will consult with you about your home insurance policy. During the consultation, discuss the flooring upgrades you have decided on. The agent will modify your insurance policy. Your home insurance policy will cover the new flooring materials.

Auto Insurance Hope Hills, NC

The terms and conditions to auto accidents determine compensatory remedies of damages in court. In North Carolina, fault is initially established by driver admission, or law enforcement record prior to litigation. Drivers seeking damages for medical or property from the responsible party, must be able to substantiate a claim. The type of auto insurance policy determines the provision of damage compensation after an accident.

Auto Insurance in North Carolina

North Carolina mandates that auto liability coverage is the minimum indemnity that can be held on a vehicle. If a driver is still paying on an auto finance loan installment agreement, comprehensive collision coverage is required at market value of the vehicle asset.  When purchasing auto insurance coverage in North Carolina, find a policy that covers a range of damages and medical expenses associated with property repair, hospitalization, and vehicle replacement as part of an accident claim.

Auto liability coverage minimums in North Carolina begin at $30,000 for bodily Injury for a single injured person, $60,000 for bodily Injury of multiple injured persons, and $25,000 for property damage per accident. Some liability policies cover lost wages and other medical expenses outside of hospitalization. Natural disaster coverage is a standard provision within North Carolina auto insurance law, and may be important in a circumstance where a hurricane has caused a collision with another driver.

Protect Yourself from Accident Litigation

Automobile accident litigation can be a costly expense for an insured with limited liability coverage. With comprehensive auto coverage, court ordered compensation of damages may be mitigated by a policy. Supplement an auto insurance policy with comprehensive collision coverage and uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance protection and avoid the risks of litigation in North Carolina.  

For auto insurance coverage in North Carolina, contact an insurance broker with Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC.

Types of Home Insuranced You Might Need

There are a few different types of home insurance that you may need that are often attached to where you live. For those that live in Hope Hills, NC for instance, earthquake insurance is not something that you are likely ever to use, but for those in San Diego, CA, it may be a necessity.

Taking the time to learn about a few different types of home insurance can help you start to think about what coverage you need. General home policies cover things like fire, theft, break-ins, damage from storms, and injury of those that are on your property.

Most basic policies do not cover hurricane, earthquake, flood, or the cost of replacing very valuable collections that you may have. If you live in an area where floods are common, you may need a flood policy that can be tacked onto the cost of your basic policy. The same goes for hurricane and earthquake policies, they are not included in basic policies, but they can be added.

Similarly, if you have a large collection of jewelry, it may be safer to take out a policy that is just for those pieces than it would be to take out more home owners insurance that may or may not cover the replacement or retrieval of these pieces. On top of all that, you can take out more insurance on your home if you have made improvements to it.

The process of getting insurance for the value of your home is simple, the inspector will be sent from the agency, and they will valuate your home. This will allow them to set the coverage limits and determine pay outs if the home is a total loss or how to base their pay outs in the event of damage. Each location has different considerations and speaking with your agent if you live in the Hope Hills, NC area you can get the coverage you need.  Contact Cross Creek Insurance to learn more.

Could A Blizzard In North Carolina Cause Severe Home Damage?

If you’re new to North Carolina, you might think this great state has little problems with blizzards . You’d be wrong: snowfall of up to 41 inches have been recorded and temperatures have dropped as low as -34 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s why we at Cross Creek Insurance are offering this  advice, as blizzards can cause a variety of damage can seriously impact your home.

Damage That Can Occur

When a blizzard hits your home, wind will likely push trees and telephone poles around in your yard, potentially causing them to fall on your home. It might even blow windows out of your house. Obviously, snow is another major problem, as heavy amounts can damage your roof and windows.

However, blizzards in Hope Hills, NC often come accompanied with heavy amounts of ice that can stick to your home’s exterior and damage it or create ice dams in your gutters. Last, but not least, extremely cold temperatures may cause cracks in your home’s windows or siding.

Preparing Is Crucial

Before a winter storm hits, you need to make sure your home is prepared well in advance by performing these simple steps:

  • Shovel the snow off your roof before the storm – an average roof can support 20 pounds of snow per square foot
  • Break up ice dams in your gutter
  • Remove any dead trees from your yard and trim dead branches and limbs
  • Seal your doors and windows to keep in heat – particularly crucial if the electricity goes out
  • Wrap insulation around your pipes to keep them from bursting

Protect Your Home From Damage

While blizzards are rarely as severe as this in Hope Hills, NC, you never know when things will get more serious. That’s why home insurance is so necessary: it will help cover most, if not all, of your home repair costs after a blizzard. Please contact us at Cross Creek Insurance to learn more.

Prepare Your Car for Long-Term Storage

You’ve needed this vacation for years and you finally have the time to go enjoy yourself. Now, you just need to leave your vehicle for an extended period of time and want to make sure it is well taken care of until you get back. If you need to store it for longer than a few weeks there are a few things you should do. Cross Creek Insurance, Inc. serves Hope Hills, NC, they can provide a few tips on how to prepare your vehicle for long-term storage.

The elements can cause extreme damage to the exterior of your vehicle when left unattended. In the summer, the sun can cause paint to crack, chip, and fade. The seats, dash, and other interior parts can become discolored. In winter, the snow and salt can seep into your car and cause it to corrode. Place a car cover over your vehicle if you are going to leave it open to the elements.

Leave it Topped Off

Make sure that all of your fluids have been replaced and filled before your trip. The engine could be destroyed if you leave it with used fluids sitting around. A fluid stabilizer will keep your gas from breaking down while you are away and corrupting the gas line.

Batteries Don’t Last Forever

Remove the battery and clean the connections. Batteries that sit without being used can become corrosive and start to destroy the engine. If you have a trusted neighbor or friend, you should have them start the car and drive it around the block once a week to preserve the battery until you return home.

Animal Prevention

Small animals, such as squirrels and mice can find tiny holes in your cars’ exterior when no one is looking. To prevent creatures from building a nest in your vehicle plug the tailpipe and other obvious holes. You could also place mothballs or other pesticides in and around the vehicle to keep the animals away.

In Hope Hills, NC, Cross Creek Insurance, Inc. agents are available to help you with beginning and maintaining an auto policy for your new or used vehicle.