Why You Need Life Insurance Entering the Workforce

Even if you’re starting your career and feel like your life is just beginning, there are still good reasons to consider life insurance. Here are a few reasons why life insurance can be beneficial, even at a young age.

Covering Outstanding Debts

Even as a young person, you’ve likely accrued some debt, such as student loans or a mortgage. If you intend to leave property to loved ones, you should leave enough funds to cover these expenses. The person you want to take over this property can be named as the beneficiary, and they can use these funds to pay off these debts.

Handling Final Costs

In the event of your untimely passing, funeral expenses for services must be paid for. With a life insurance policy, you can take this burden off of family members and ensure you have enough money to cover the minimum services required and any other expenses that may arise.

Leaving One Last Gift

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you likely have loved ones you want to care for, even after you’ve passed. With life insurance, you can leave behind one last gift to help your loved ones get ahead and ensure they’re financially secure, even if you are no longer here. You can name parents, siblings, or even significant others as beneficiaries in these policies.

If you live in or around the Hope Mills, NC area, then you don’t have to look far for a personal quote on life insurance. Our team at Cross Creek Insurance is ready to assist you with any questions you may have and help you get your policy started.

Automotive Insurance – Family Plans and Coverage Considerations

If your teenager has recently received their driver’s permit, it may be time to upgrade your automotive insurance policy. Consider the following points as you prepare to transition to a family plan.

Family Insurance Plan

A family insurance plan is essentially a group policy. Every individual listed on the policy will have coverage. This type of plan will spell out which family member is assigned to drive each vehicle listed in the policy.

Insurance Coverage Type

Before adding your teen to your policy, take the time to research the various types of coverage available. Liability protection will come in handy if your teen causes an accident—it covers the cost of repairs for any vehicle your teenager damages while driving. It also protects any property that may be damaged due to your teen’s driving.

A more comprehensive insurance policy may cover the cost of repairing or replacing your teen’s car.

Personal Details

Your teenager’s age, driving experience, and skill level could influence the type of insurance coverage you’ll need. The extent of your teenager’s driving could also affect the level of coverage you decide to get.

Driving Incentives

Some insurance companies offer rewards to those who maintain a clean driving record. Driving safely and adhering to traffic laws helps to avoid insurance claims. Make sure to check out these types of incentives before deciding to upgrade your existing insurance policy.

Driving Modifications

If anyone in your family is changing their driving habits, this should be documented and reported to your insurance company. Any significant alterations to a driving schedule might also require a modification to your family insurance plan.

Agent Assistance

Get in touch with one of our agents serving Hope Mills, NC. An agent representing Cross Creek Insurance will help you customize your family automotive insurance policy to meet your specific needs.

Coverage For Collectibles and Other High-Priced Goods

Do you currently own, or plan on owning, collectibles and other high-priced household goods? If so, it’s important to understand how adequate insurance coverage could protect your assets from theft, vandalism, and damage.

North Carolina Home Insurance Options

Home insurance policies cover the repair and replacement of household possessions. A typical policy may cover the materials a home is made of.

The coverage might also safeguard the standard items found within a home. However, an insurance policy might lack the coverage to protect expensive items you currently own or plan to buy.

Household Contents

Carry out a thorough assessment of your home’s contents. Prepare a list highlighting all the collectibles and other high-priced items in your possession. Also, include details about any household goods you plan on investing in.

If you intend to buy artwork, jewelry, or other valuable items, you may need additional insurance coverage for these new investments. Keeping an up-to-date record of your household goods will assist you in developing an insurance plan that provides adequate protection for your valuable possessions.

Security Considerations

Consider how you will protect your household goods from theft, vandalism, and weather-related damage. If you purchase storage units and other safety measures to keep your belongings secure, these security items can be added to your home insurance policy.

Your home insurance policy can provide a specific level of coverage. This coverage will cover the repair of damaged items and could also cover the cost of replacing lost or irreparably damaged household goods.

Insurance Agent Consultation

Don’t risk being unable to repair or replace the items in your home. Consult with one of our agents based in Hope Mills, NC. A Cross Creek Insurance agent will customize your home insurance policy to fit your needs.

Small Business Loans to Recoup Losses From Drought Damages

If you own a business, protecting your assets is crucial. The best way to accomplish this is by investing in commercial insurance. If your company operates near the Hope Hills, NC area and you’re in search of a reliable insurance agent, turn to Cross Creek Insurance, Inc. With over 20 years of serving local clients, we look forward to working with you.

SBA Loans for Drought Relief

If you’re a small business operator, you may be interested in learning about small business loans available through the SBA (Small Business Association) for qualifying North Carolina businesses negatively impacted by droughts. As per the SBA website, the U.S. Attorney General declared some areas of North Carolina as disaster areas in early July 2021 due to drought conditions. You can borrow up to $2 million, which can offset the costs of reviving your business post-drought.

These loans are available to aquaculture businesses, nurseries, farms, and private non-profit organizations. If your company meets these guidelines and can document an economic impact directly due to the drought, you are eligible to apply for an SBA loan. The loans offer a 4% interest rate for small businesses and a reduced rate of 3.25% for non-profit organizations.

Call Us Today for an Appointment

There are many types of commercial insurance, and our agents can help you understand which is right for your business. Businesses operating near Hope Hills, NC seeking to ensure they have the necessary protection should consult one of our experienced agents at Cross Creek Insurance, Inc. We’ll take the time to discuss your business and answer any insurance-related questions you might have. Give us a call today to discuss all your coverage needs.

Burial Insurance vs. Life Insurance

Did you know that about half of all people in the Hope Hills, NC area and throughout the country have insufficient or no life insurance?

At Cross Creek Insurance, we believe that the more you know about life insurance, the less likely you will be caught unprepared.

One common question is, what’s the difference between life and burial insurance?

Burial Insurance

Burial insurance, an older term gaining renewed popularity, traditionally refers to a life insurance amount sufficient to cover burial expenses. These usually encompass services, the casket, embalming, a vault, a marker, and other associated costs.

Life Insurance

As time has passed, people have recognized the value of life insurance in covering more than just burial expenses. Nowadays, life insurance is utilized to pay debts, mortgages, family living expenses, and even for a child’s college expenses.

With term life insurance now so affordable, many families are increasing their coverage to ease the financial burden in case of the breadwinner’s unexpected passing.

The Essential Difference

The difference between burial insurance and life insurance may primarily be the amount of coverage and the intended use of the proceeds. If it’s a smaller amount to help cover burial or cremation expenses, it’s often dubbed burial insurance. Conversely, if it’s a larger amount to ensure a family’s quality of life should the insured pass, it’s typically referred to as life insurance.

Have Questions? Contact Us

If you’re curious about burial or life insurance or interested in its affordability, we invite you to contact us at Cross Creek Insurance, serving the Hope Hills, NC, area. We’re more than happy to assist you in securing the coverage that you and your family deserve.

What is the “Two Second Rule” and Why Will it Keep You Safe?

Car owners in North Carolina are required to have auto insurance to drive legally. If you live near Hope Hills, NC, and need auto insurance, you can find the policy you need at Cross Creek Insurance. We have been serving clients in this area since 1997.

Safe driving guidelines should always be on your mind. Being able to stop safely is an essential element of safe driving, and a safe following distance can help you be sure you can stop when you need to. In the past, a safe driving distance was considered one car length per ten miles per hour. However, this rule has proved challenging, as car lengths vary.

The “Two Second Rule”

According to the Southeastern Driver Training Center, a North Carolina DMV requires a two-second following distance. To measure that distance, it is suggested you pick out a stationary object, like a traffic sign, and watch as the car ahead of you passes that object. As soon as they pass that object, you should begin counting, “one thousand one, one thousand two, etc.” When you reach your selected object, the number you have counted will be the number of seconds of your distance.

Other than North Carolina, many states now recommend at least three seconds’ distance. Some driving conditions, such as heavy snow, driving rain, or fog, will require additional distance for safety.

Call Us for an Appointment Today

If you drive safely, you should also ensure your auto insurance policy is the right one for you. Auto drivers in the Hope Hills area are encouraged to talk to one of our experienced agents at Cross Creek Insurance. Call us for an appointment today, and we will ensure you have the auto insurance you need.

Insurance Coverage for New Flooring Materials Installed in Your Residence

Research some insurance guidelines that will help you choose coverage for the new flooring materials you plan on installing in your residence. Then, contact one of our agents who serve Hope Hills, NC to discuss your insurance needs.


New flooring materials installed within your residence will increase its value. The type of flooring you select could influence how much coverage you need.

Flooring materials prone to scratching or fading over time may require moderate coverage. Consider the value of the new flooring and whether any of the flooring materials will be covered by a warranty.

Usage and Layout

A liability policy can cover the new flooring materials, damage, and theft.

Examine how the new flooring will be utilized. If flooring is going to be used to upgrade an existing staircase, for instance, you may want to purchase liability coverage. Liability coverage will protect against injuries that occur within your residence.

If someone slips on the new flooring materials, your liability coverage will reimburse you for any out-of-pocket costs you are responsible for.

Assess the flooring’s layout. If any of the materials are susceptible to damage, they should be added to your home insurance policy.

More Assistance

One of our Cross Creek Insurance agents will consult with you about your home insurance policy. During the consultation, discuss the flooring upgrades you have decided on. The agent will modify your insurance policy. Your home insurance policy will cover the new flooring materials.

For All the Risks Your Business Faces Commmercial Insurance can Help

Risk is an inherent aspect of being a business owner, regardless of your business type. From liability concerns for service industry businesses to manufacturing facilities that have assets to protect or distribution companies that need to safeguard inventory, every business comes with risk. The good news, however, is that for whatever type of business you might be in, there is commercial insurance to help protect your company. That is also why so many companies from in and around the Hope Hills, NC, area rely on the friendly and professional team at Cross Creek Insurance for all their commercial insurance needs.

Commercial Insurance: For All the Risks Your Business Faces

The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter what type of business you own because owning a business comes with risks. That is just part of the territory, and that is also why commercial insurance makes a difference. With the help of experienced and professional agents, business owners can get help determining those threats and the coverage they need for all the risks their companies face, including those less-than-obvious culprits.

For All Your Commercial Insurance Needs in Hope Mills

If you are a business owner in the Hope Hills, NC, area and have questions or need commercial insurance for your company, we can help. From small to large businesses and for every type of business and industry, insurance is available to fit your company’s needs. Let our experienced, trusted, and professional team help with all your commercial insurance concerns and the solutions your company needs and deserves. Contact us to find out more and protect your business with commercial insurance solutions from Cross Creek Insurance today.

Navigating Life Insurance Claims After a Loved One’s Death

Losing a loved one is a heartwrenching experience, and having to deal with life insurance claims will add to the stress and confusion. The insurance agencies in the Hope Hills, NC, location are well-versed in navigating you through these times.

Understanding the Policy

Take the time to understand what is covered, the policy limits, and any specific requirements for filing a claim. Gather all the necessary documents, such as the policy itself, the death certificate, and any additional forms required by the insurance company.

Filing the Claim

The next step with the insurance company is filing a life insurance claim. Be sure to follow the insurer’s specific instructions and promptly submit all necessary paperwork. Please keep copies of all documents for your records, and consider sending everything via certified mail to ensure it is received.

Understanding the Process

It’s essential to understand the process and timeline for the insurance company to review and make a decision. Some claims may be straightforward and processed quickly, while others may require additional investigation, especially in the case of certain types of death.

Seeking Assistance

Seek assistance from the insurance agent for challenges or delays in the claims process. Contact the insurance agency about the claim status and ask for guidance on any additional steps that may be necessary. 

Closure and Moving Forward

Upon approval, the insurance agency will pay the designated beneficiaries according to the policy terms. This financial support can ease some difficult times and help the beneficiaries move forward with their lives.

Cross Creek Insurance Helps Guide You

Cross Creek Insurance will help guide you and show you how life insurance can save you in the long haul. Our team covers the Hope Hills, NC, region. Get in touch with us today.

How to Document Your Belongings for Home Insurance

Ensuring you have an up-to-date inventory of your possessions can significantly streamline the home insurance claims process in the event of loss or damage. Here’s how you can effectively document your belongings to show the insurance company what possessions you lost in a claim.

Creating a Comprehensive Home Inventory

The first step in documenting your belongings is to create a comprehensive inventory. This should include all valuable items such as electronics, jewelry, furniture, and collectibles. For each item, note descriptions, approximate value, and purchase date. 

You’ll also want to document less valuable possessions, but listing each thing you own isn’t an efficient way to do so. Instead, Photographs and video walkthroughs of your home can also provide visual proof of your possessions and their condition.

Store Somewhere Other Than Your Hope Hills, NC Home

Remember to store this information in a safe place outside your Hope Hills, NC home, such as in a digital cloud storage or a safe deposit box. This ensures the inventory is accessible even if your home is damaged or destroyed.

Update Regularly

It’s essential to update your inventory regularly, especially after purchasing new valuable items or after a significant life event like a move or renovation. At Cross Creek Insurance, we often advise updating your inventory annually, even if you have no major live event.

Protect Your Possessions with Confidence

Ensuring your possessions are well-documented can relieve stress and expedite claims processing significantly. For more help documenting your possessions or with home insurance in general, contact us at Cross Creek Insurance. We’ve helped many homeowners and are ready to assist you.