Three Reasons Why You May Want to Insure an Inoperable Vehicle

One of the biggest myths out there is that you only need to ensure a car when it is operable or being driven on the roads. Here at Cross Creek Insurance, serving the greater Hope Hills, NC area, we want to educate everyone on the importance of ensuring inoperable vehicles as well. Here are three key reasons you may wish to keep an inoperable vehicle insured.

Covers Vandalism

If you have an inoperable vehicle, you may not be able to get into a car accident in the car, but it can still be vandalized. If someone throws a rock at it or breaks the window, comprehensive car insurance can help cover the loss caused by these things.

Covers Theft

An inoperable vehicle may be more of a challenge to steal, but that does not mean that it cannot happen. Someone may tow or haul away your inoperable vehicle and your neighbors may not say anything, thinking that you sold the unused car or are having it repaired. Comprehensive auto insurance helps to protect you against the financial loss that a stolen car may cause you.

Helps You Register Your Vehicle

The last reason why you may wish to keep an inoperable vehicle insured is that it helps you to register your vehicle. In many states, if you don’t have insurance, you can’t insure the car. And even inoperable cars need to be registered or you can be ticketed for having an unregistered car on your property.

If you have an inoperable vehicle that is not currently insured, now is the perfect time to insure it. Contact Cross Creek Insurance, serving the greater Hope Hills, NC area, for a free estimate today.