Does the liability insurance cover my medical bills?

If you have been in an accident recently you may be wondering about how the insurance will work in regards to your medical bills and other damages. The answer to "Does the liability insurance cover my medical bills?" depends entirely upon the type of insurance that you have, and upon who was responsible for the accident.

Liability insurance is the type of coverage that is designed to cover the medical bills of other people if you were the responsible party for the accident. Thus, if you are hurt in an accident because of another person’s negligence, their liability coverage will pay your medical bills once liability has been firmly established.

On the other hand, if you are the driver responsible for the accident and you incurred medical bills as a result of the accident, your liability coverage will not generally cover your medical costs. While liability is designed to protect other people, comprehensive insurance is designed to protect you.

If you are driving and cause an accident that generates medical bills for both you and the other people involved, your insurance may be involved in a couple of ways. The liability coverage will usually be used to pay the medical costs of the other persons in the accident while the comprehensive coverage will pay the medical costs that you incur.

Having a well rounded auto insurance policy means having several different types of coverage in most cases. Your insurance agent can create a bundle that includes all the insurance you need to be sure to protect both other people and yourself in case of accidents. Check out our live comparative quotes or feel free to give us a call for a free quote today!