Does home insurance cover damage to your pool?

Hope Hills, NC residents certainly enjoy using their pools in the summer. As many people in the area probably have a pool, our experts from Cross Creek Insurance often get the same question. Does home insurance cover damage to my pool? They are the source of relaxation and entertainment for thousands of people throughout North Carolina but are also a considerable investment. Knowing how your insurance works with pool damage is essential.

When Does Home Insurance Protect My Pool?

There are instances when your home insurance policy can help pay for damages to your pool. Everyday events outside your control that are considered coverable events could include damage from fire, hail, lightning strikes, or severe weather conditions such as hurricanes or tornadoes. In these cases, your home insurance policy may provide coverage for the necessary repairs or replacement of your pool. Depending on your pool (above-ground or in-ground), we help you understand what part of your policy covers your pool structure.

Instances not considered typical perils would not be included in your insurance protection. Some examples would be general wear and tear to the pool, neglected maintenance, or intentional damage caused by the homeowner. These situations are considered the homeowner’s responsibility and are not covered under a standard home insurance policy. Pools can cost between $20,000- $50,000 or more, depending on the size and features. Considering the potential financial impact of pool repairs or replacement is essential.

Get A Home Insurance Policy In Hope Hills, NC

Before you dive into your pool, give Cross Creek Insurance a call. We’d love to help you navigate home ownership with the peace of mind you deserve. Call today to get a quote!