How to extend the life of your car tires and ensure optimal performance during the summer months?

Extending the life of your tires when summer hits requires proactive precautions and maintenance. The specialists at Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC provide these helpful suggestions to help maximize your tire’s lifespan during the summer months –

Check/Maintain Proper Tire Pressure

Tire pressure should be checked and adjusted routinely all year. However, when the heat arrives, the tire’s air expands and overinflates the tire. It is best to refer to the owner’s manual (or the label inside the driver’s door) for the best or recommended tire pressure.

Regularly Rotate Tires/Maintain Wheel Alignment/Balance

Rotate the car’s tires following the manufacturer’s recommendations or every 5K to 8K miles. Routinely rotating the tires ensures they wear evenly–extending their useful life.

Don’t Overload the Vehicle

Be aware of your vehicle’s weight limit and avoid excessive weight, as this adds stress to the tires, increases the heat, and accelerates the tire’s wear. Hot weather further aggravates this situation.

Check Tire’s Tread

For the tire to maintain control and traction, the tread depth must be enough to match the desired performance. The minimum legal tread depth varies by jurisdiction.

Avoid Excessive/Aggressive Speed & Driving

Fast and aggressive driving generates additional friction and heat, increasing the wear on the tires.

Park in the Shade

When available, park the car in the shade or use a car cover, as extended sunlight exposure can degrade the compounds used to manufacture tires.  

Regularly Inspect for Damage

Check the tires for bulges, cuts, or other damage. Driving on damaged tires can be needlessly risky.

For additional information about automobile insurance and policies available for those who live or work in the greater Hope Hills, NC area, contact Cross Creek Insurance at 910-423-2900.