5 Tips to Reduce the Risk of Car Theft

Car theft can happen to anyone at any given time, especially if you live in a high crime area. For this reason, it’s important to take precautions that would discourage thieves from targeting your vehicle. A standard auto insurance policy from Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC, will ensure your vehicle is covered in the event of theft. By doing your part, however, you may never have to put in a theft claim for your car.   

Always Lock Your Car: Many car owners encourage theft by leaving keys in the ignition or their vehicle running while they hop in and out of their home, a convenience store or gas station. It’s better to develop the habit of always rolling up windows and locking your car, regardless of how short a time you’ll be gone. Lock your vehicle even when parking in your driveway for any length of time.

Put Valuables Out of Sight: Don’t leave valuables in plain sight in your vehicle as this can attract the attention of would-be thieves and encourage them to target your car. Store valuables in your trunk or hide them beneath the seats where they’re out of sight/out of mind.

Park Smart: Park in well-lit, busy parking areas to make car theft more difficult without being seen or caught.   

Buy a Club: Buy a club (locking device) and use it on your steering wheel every time you leave the car.

Invest in a Car Alarm: If you live or work in a high crime area, invest in an auto alarm or security system to protect your vehicle, particularly if it’s a model that’s targeted often.

By taking preventative measures to safeguard your vehicle, you reduce the risk of theft. For more tips on theft prevention and information on affordable auto insurance in Hope Hills, NC, contact Cross Creek Insurance today.

5 Things You Need to Know About Your Auto Insurance

Auto insurance can be difficult for even the most experienced person. This is because facts vary from state to state and person to person. Before you decide you’ve got a handle on it all, check out these 5 facts from Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC about your insurance. 

1. Your Rates Are Personalized 

And they can be drastically different with just a few slight adjustments. This is why you’re asked so many questions before you’re finally given a quote. 

2. Liability Is Not for Most People 

Most people can’t afford to buy another car if they happen to be involved in an accident, so even though it’s cheaper, it may make less sense in the long-term. 

3. Insurance Gets Messy 

Different companies may see the same events very differently, and it can cause problems for everyone. Policies change, and state governments impose their own rules in terms of limits and placing fault on people. 

4. Your Stuff Isn’t Safe  

Even if you have theft coverage on your car, the stuff inside your car may not be covered. Meaning if you keep your expensive laptop or jewelry in there, you may want to rethink how you store your things. Also, if you have after-market customization, then that may not be covered (unless you’ve updated your policy.)

5. Large Insurance Companies May Not Be the Way to Go 

When you deal with a huge corporation, it’s easy to get lost in the mix. You will have few relationships there and few people to call besides the major number that everyone has. Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC wants you to have the care you deserve, so call us today to talk to us about our quotes and polices. 


When is it Necessary to Update Auto Insurance?

If you haven’t reviewed your car insurance lately, it would be wise to do so. Lifestyle changes over the last year could have some effect on your policy. You don’t want to wait for an accident to happen to discover there are gaps in your coverage. Changes in your personal situation may even qualify you for insurance discounts you weren’t eligible before. If you’ve gone through any of the following changes in the last year, it’s to your advantage to update your auto insurance coverage.

Change of Employment – A new job could alter your driving patterns, increasing or reducing your risk of accidents. These changes could affect the cost of your premium. If you drive much less due to a shorter commute, you may be able to get a discount on your insurance.

New Home Purchase – If you’ve bought a new house in Hope Hills, NC, you could accrue substantial savings by bundling your auto and home policies with Cross Creek Insurance. By talking to a local agent, you can get a better idea of the benefits that bundling has to offer.

Marital Status – If you’re adding or removing a spouse from your policy due to marriage or divorce, you’ll need to update your coverage.

Add a Teen Driver to your Policy – If you’re planning to add your teen son or daughter to your insurance, you should update your policy to ensure you have adequate coverage for all drivers in your family. Young drivers increase the risk of accidents. By raising your coverage limits, you’ll have ample protection against any eventuality. On the positive side, if your teen has completed a driver’s training course, you could qualify for a discount on your auto insurance. 

For more information on how lifestyle changes can affect your auto insurance coverage, talk to a Cross Creek Insurance agent at Hope Hills, NC.  


Flash Flood Damage and Auto Insurance

With regional weather changing away dramatically from historical patterns, people are finding that problems are happening with a lot less warning and more dramatic instances. Flash flooding is a big issue, especially in areas that are valleys between slopes as well as areas that represent runoff zones for regional rivers and drainage. That can mean folks very well find themselves in serious trouble with surprises and immediate changes in water levels with little warning or advance notice. Flooding is one of those not-so-common conditions that frequently ends up in a gray area with auto coverage. On the one hand, acts of God tend to be covered if the car owner has a comprehensive plan which anticipates such situations. On the other hand, limited policies may exclude flooding or may require additional documentation that can show the owner had no chance of being able to move or protect the car first before the damage occurred.

For those who are in areas near creeks, rivers, runoffs or drainage areas, it’s a smart idea to take a close look at one’s existing car policy and see what it says about flooding in general. If there is no specific mention, it may be wise to get a reconsideration or a plan change. If you’re in the Hope Hills, NC region, Cross Creek Insurance can help decipher and make sense of the ins and outs in auto insurance policies and what’s covered with each coverage choice. There’s no reason to play a guessing game. Their expert agents can walk a consumer through each situation and how it will be handled with the appropriate coverage in place. It’s the kind of service that makes a difference in a world filled with a lot of confusing rules otherwise.

Prepare Your Car for Long-Term Storage

You’ve needed this vacation for years and you finally have the time to go enjoy yourself. Now, you just need to leave your vehicle for an extended period of time and want to make sure it is well taken care of until you get back. If you need to store it for longer than a few weeks there are a few things you should do. Cross Creek Insurance, Inc. serves Hope Hills, NC, they can provide a few tips on how to prepare your vehicle for long-term storage.

The elements can cause extreme damage to the exterior of your vehicle when left unattended. In the summer, the sun can cause paint to crack, chip, and fade. The seats, dash, and other interior parts can become discolored. In winter, the snow and salt can seep into your car and cause it to corrode. Place a car cover over your vehicle if you are going to leave it open to the elements.

Leave it Topped Off

Make sure that all of your fluids have been replaced and filled before your trip. The engine could be destroyed if you leave it with used fluids sitting around. A fluid stabilizer will keep your gas from breaking down while you are away and corrupting the gas line.

Batteries Don’t Last Forever

Remove the battery and clean the connections. Batteries that sit without being used can become corrosive and start to destroy the engine. If you have a trusted neighbor or friend, you should have them start the car and drive it around the block once a week to preserve the battery until you return home.

Animal Prevention

Small animals, such as squirrels and mice can find tiny holes in your cars’ exterior when no one is looking. To prevent creatures from building a nest in your vehicle plug the tailpipe and other obvious holes. You could also place mothballs or other pesticides in and around the vehicle to keep the animals away.

In Hope Hills, NC, Cross Creek Insurance, Inc. agents are available to help you with beginning and maintaining an auto policy for your new or used vehicle.

What type of auto insurance do I have to have in NC?

If you live in Hope Hills, NC, then you know how important it is to be covered when you’re on the road.  It’s important to know exactly what you’re required to have and what kind of insurance you should strongly consider, however.  

Basic auto insurance policies in North Carolina are designed to protect the other driver in the event that you are found to be at fault in an accident.  The law is interested only in making sure that the victim of the accident is taken care of.  That means that if you are found to be at fault in an auto accident, your basic insurance policy would not pay you anything for your own damage and medical expenses.

In fact, even with the minimal required insurance, you would still be required to pay for some of the cost out of your pocket.  Your deductible would be paid to the insurance company, who would then pay for damages up to the limit of your coverage.  With required coverage limits so low in North Carolina, it is possible that you would need to pay even more money in the event of a serious accident.  In many cases, this can bankrupt a family as they contend with their own expensive medical costs and repairs.

To make sure that you are covered, you may want to consider a collision policy.  This type of coverage will cover your own damages and medical costs.  

If you’er thinking of getting a new auto insurance policy, or if you just want to save some money on your existing policy, call the agents at Cross Creek Insurance.  They have years of experience helping Hope Hills, NC residents.

Does Your Car Gas Make a Difference?

There was time when people filled up at the pump and only two choices existed: leaded or unleaded. There was, of course, diesel, but that was often on a separate pump used by truck drivers or people who owned a specific, smoke-belching European car. Today, however, people have at least four if not five choices, with three of them ranging from basic unleaded to premium, and a related cost range to match. So, no surprise, drivers eventually find themselves asking the question, is there something better with a premium fuel versus the regular one? In some cases, particularly with blends. Some brands make a point to include detergents and solvents designed to break down gunk in an older engine.

Generally, however, the big difference between premium and general unleaded fuel is the octane. Normal engines easily run with an octane level of 87. Some believe that higher performance engines need or run better with a higher octane. While it is true that a higher temperature is needed to burn a higher octane cleanly, that doesn’t automatically produce better engine performance. However, it does burn with less gunk. The fact is not burning all fuel completely leaves a residue, and that creates buildup. More buildup eventually makes a car engine run worse and have problems. So a hotter, cleaner burn is an advantage over the long-term. And, again, many quality brands include their detergents in premium fuel, which only helps keep the engine running smoother over its life.

Cross Creek Insurance provides consumer insurance serving the Hope Hills, NC, area. And one of the best ways of saving insurance for when it really matters is following preventive care for one’s car. Premium gas isn’t necessary to run a car, but it does make a difference that could matter in the long run.

What you need in your car to avoid fender bender fraud

Fender bender fraud is on the rise again in the United States.  This classic scam, in which a team of scam artists work together to create an accident, then bill you and your insurance company for thousands of dollars in made up damages, can cost you a lot of money and time.  Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect yourself.

One of the most important things you can do is keep a kit in your car that contains everything you need to deal with a minor accident.  Make sure you have these items readily available.

  1. Important paperwork.  Your license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance are all required in the state of North Carolina.  Make sure you have these available to show a police officer after an accident.  Many times, scam artists will try to convince their victims to keep the accident out of official records.  By having these documents, you’ll be prepared to deal with the police.
  2. Camera.  The camera on your cell phone can work if it takes good pictures.  Documenting the damage to both cars is a good way to present proof to your insurance agent later of the actual damages that occurred as a result of the accident.
  3. First aid kit.  More important than the physical damage to property is the health tool that these scams take on their victims.  Be prepared by carrying some basic first aid items in your car such as bandages and tweezers.  

Of course, it’s also important for residents of Hope Hills, NC to be prepared for minor accidents with good auto insurance.  Contact the agents at Cross Creek Insurance to get a policy that gives you enough coverage to protect yourself from these scams.

Fender Bender Fraud

Most people don’t realize that  often, injury claims occur weeks to months after the crash. Cross Creek Insurance offers several ways to protect yourself from fraud:

Notify the police. In the day of cell phones, it’s easy to call the police from the site. Even though police don’t always respond to minor accidents, you want to either wait for the police to arrive on the scene. If not, go to the station and file a report so that there is a public record.
Take plenty of pictures. Take pictures of all the vehicles involved, even if there is no visible damage. In a fraudulent claim, lack of damage can make a difference.
Get all the information. Name, addresses, phone numbers, license numbers of the individual and the car itself and insurance details of all the motorists involved are important. Take done similar information from any witnesses.
Be careful what you say. By admitting any fault on the scene, it could be used against you. Be cautious about what you say and don’t say, not only to police officers but to the other motorist and to the witness, and what you might say in a phone conversation that might be overheard.
Listen carefully to what the other motorist says.  Even if there is not evident damage, listen for the other motorist or their passenger if they complain of  discomfort or an injury. If the other motorist tries to blame or bully you, especially if he or she is at fault. Automatically insisting that they need an ambulance.These can be tipoffs that a fraudulent suit may happen.
Hire a lawyer. An auto accident attorney can investigate the crash, shift through the collected evidence and even request medical documents so they can dispute any legal action in the future.




Tips for North Carolina Drivers to Increase Gas Mileage

Getting the most miles per gallon while driving in North Carolina should be a priority. Not only will reducing gas mileage help save you money, but also lower your carbon footprint. Driving efficiently and keeping your vehicle up to date will make the most significant difference in fuel economy.

Drive Smarter

Avoid certain driver behaviors that decrease your car’s gas mileage. This includes excessive braking, rapid acceleration, and cruising over the speed limit. After a car reaches speeds above 50 miles per hour, fuel economy decreases. Cruise control helps you maintain a consistent speed to avoid these issues. Idling can also burn up gas and should be avoided when possible.

Lighten Loads

Pulling cargo or storing items on your roof can both have a detrimental effect on your vehicle’s gas mileage. Not only does the weight from the loads affect fuel economy, but also cargo stored on the roof makes your car less aerodynamic.

Maintain Your Car

Check your tire pressure at least once a week to ensure the pressure isn’t too low since this could hurt fuel economy. Always use the recommended grade oil for your car too when it’s time for an oil change. Changing the car’s air filter can keep the car running efficiently in order to avoid excessive fuel consumption.

Get a New (or Newer) Vehicle

Ditch your old gas guzzler for a more fuel efficient car. Within the past decade, car manufacturers have made tremendous strides in increasing vehicles’ gas mileage. Compare your current car’s average highway and city MPG to newer models on the market.

If you do decide to upgrade your car, make sure you have the right amount of insurance coverage. Contact the independent agents at Cross Creek Insurance to discuss either your current auto policy or make arrangements to take out a new policy on your vehicle.