When Is It Time to Update Your Home Insurance Policy?

Here at Cross Creek Insurance, serving the greater Hope Hills, NC area, we recommend that you take a look at your home insurance policy every two to three years and ensure it still meets your needs. But there are also a few times that you should automatically change it without having to wait. Here are three of the times when you should update your home insurance policy. 

You’ve Renovated or Remodeled Your Home

Following a home renovation or remodel project, you should take the time to update your home insurance policy. After remodeling or renovating, the value of your home and the items contained inside have changed. As such, you may need to update your policy limits to ensure your new materials or space will be fully covered in the event disaster strikes. 

You’ve Purchased Expensive Items

Another reason why you may need to update your home insurance policy is that you’ve purchased new items for your home. When you’ve purchased new items for your homes, such as jewelry, art, pricey furniture or electronics, you want to ensure these items are covered against theft and damage. Updating your policy helps to ensure that happens. 

You’ve Made Life Changes

Lastly, if you have made changes in your life, you may want to update your policy. This includes getting married, having a baby or retiring. You should always look at all of your insurance policies when making life changes. 

Do you need to update your home insurance policy or purchase a new one in the greater Hope Hills, NC area? Then contact Cross Creek Insurance today. We can help you find the right insurance policy for your needs. Call us now to get started.