What should I do if I am in an auto accident?

A lot of what you need to do if you are involved in an auto accident in Hope Hills, NC seems pretty common sense. You should stop as soon as possible after an accident, or pull off at the closest safe place. You may need to move your vehicle out of a travel lane, but you should try to stay where you are if the area is safe. As soon as you are able, see if anyone is injured and needs help.

Even if you are not required to call the police, you may want to do so as a precautionary measure. North Carolina law requires you to make a report if there was significant property damage or if anyone was injured. However, what looks like a small amount of damage may be expensive to repair, and someone who seemed fine could have a serious head or back injury.

At Cross Creek Insurance, we encourage our clients to call the police so there will be an unbiased witness. The officer will help collect all the information for the report, including the drivers’ information, their vehicle information, and the condition of the vehicles. The officer can also look for other important evidence like skid marks and witnesses.

Drivers in Hope Hills, NC are required to carry a certain amount of insurance, and you will need to provide your name, contact information and insurance for even minor accidents. You should take your own notes, and keep a record of everything at the scene, such as the other driver’s information, any witnesses, and the officer’s name and badge number.

If you have any questions about what to do after an accident, or if you want to discuss whether your current policy provides enough protection, please call Cross Creek Insurance today for a free quote.