Required Commercial Insurance in North Carolina

When you have a business in North Carolina, there are certain types of commercial insurance that you may need. Two types of commercial insurance are mandated for many North Carolina businesses, but these aren’t the only types your business could use to stay safer. Call us at Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC to talk to an agent about the types of your business needs. 

Workers’ Compensation

This type of insurance is a policy that you have for your employees. Suppose one of them were to be injured while on the job. This policy would pay for the resulting medical bills. This insurance coverage is required if your business has at least three employees. The employees can be either full or part-time. This policy also provides several employee expenses, including their lost wages after an accident. It also includes employee disability payments. This can protect your business against liability and keep employees from suing for medical bills. 

Commercial Auto Coverage

If your business owns any type of vehicle, state law requires you to have it insured with a commercial auto policy. When a work vehicle gets into an accident that is your driver’s fault, this insurance will pay for the resulting medical bills for the third parties and the damage to their vehicle. It must have a specific amount of coverage for one person’s bodily injury liability and another amount for everyone’s bodily injury liability in the accident. It also requires a specific amount for property damage liability. These are the required coverages by law, but you can also add additional coverage to your policy to protect your work vehicle. 

Get Your Business Covered

If your business doesn’t have the coverage it needs, it’s time to call us at Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC.