Do You Need Commercial Insurance When Working From Home?

Working from home brings with it a number of benefits. There are also a handful of questions. One such question you might wonder about is whether you need to have commercial insurance, or if your home owner’s insurance will suffice. Here at Cross Creek Insurance, we are here to help address these and all other commercial insurance concerns you might have, especially if you live in greater Hope Hills, NC. 

Home Business Insurance Needs

In general, yes, you absolutely need commercial insurance when working from home. Your home owner’s insurance protects your home, but if you’re building materials or saving stock within the property this will likely not be protected. Now, if you work off of just a computer you may be able to get away with insuring your computer, but if you produce anything in your home it is a good idea to insure it. 

Additionally, fires can start with some home manufacturing. If you sustain property damage due to your business your home insurance may not cover it. So commercial insurance can fill in this area and make sure that not only your business goods are protected, but that your property is protected in the event of any kind of business-related damage. 

Protect Your Home Business With Commercial Insurance

You have put in a considerable amount of time, money, and energy into building up your at-home business. You need to do whatever you can to protect it. One of these ways is with commercial insurance. Commercial insurance is designed to help protect your business, regardless of its physical location. So, if you live around Hope Hills, NC and run a business inside your home, our staff here at Cross Creek Insurance is ready to help address all your concerns.