What is Universal Life Insurance?

Universal life insurance is a type of product that falls under the category of permanent life insurance. Permanent life insurance is a category of coverage that lasts for the duration of the subscriber’s life, and this is typically reflected in the premiums paid. It provides a secure option, as it will not expire. 

You will choose a death benefit amount, which will also affect how much you pay monthly. Over time, you can accumulate a cash savings balance, and you may borrow against this if you encounter hardship. Money will typically be lent to you at an interest rate lower than most banks can offer. 

However, this must be paid back and subtracted from the death benefit if you pass away while a balance is outstanding. If you are young, this cash savings component can grow over time, giving you options should you face a difficult life circumstance.

It is not legally required in the Hope Hills, NC area to purchase life insurance, but it is voluntary. Your Cross Creek Insurance representative can discuss this product in greater detail. 

Universal life insurance allows you to adjust your premium if you need to increase or decrease it. You can also defer making payments if you have enough cash savings. The death benefit amount is also flexible and can be adjusted, and your account must be in good standing when you die to be valid. 

We Can Help You with Life Insurance

We at Cross Creek Insurance can help you obtain the life insurance package you need to suit your needs. Contact us for more information; we serve those in the Hope Hills, NC area. 

Don’t Risk Driving Uninsured – Protect Yourself with a Car Insurance Policy

Are you a licensed driver in the Hope Hills, NC area? If you need auto insurance, see the professionals at Cross Creek Insurance for the coverage you need.

Why is auto insurance important?

It is mandatory in 48 out of 50 states. Without proper insurance coverage, you would have to pay the penalty and risk losing your driving privileges.

Accidents can damage other vehicles or property belonging to a third party. An insurance policy can pay for the expenses that would otherwise need to be paid out of pocket.

Besides property and vehicle damage, an accident can cause personal injuries, which can be severe. A policy can cover personal injury, so you do not have to pay for the care of an individual who has suffered injuries you are responsible for.

There is also extra coverage available called riders. Some include zero depreciation, engine coverage, and roadside assistance. They expand the scope and benefits of your policy.

If your car is totaled or stolen, insurance will pay for the expense of a new car. An auto insurance policy has an IDV, an insured declared value, which is the amount that the insurance company will pay in case of a theft or total loss.

Several policies also offer coverage if your car is damaged due to a weather event or fire. If you live in an area with uncertain weather, a policy of this type is a must for the safety of your vehicle.

Car insurance covers not only the damage to your car, property, or others involved but also any legal fees if the case goes to court.

Make sure you are driving within the law. The Cross Creek Insurance company, serving the Hope Hills, NC area, can provide the coverage you need. Contact our office today. You will be glad you did.

Home Insurance Protects Home Owners From Liability

Home insurance is essential for homeowners because it protects them from liability. There are many scenarios where a homeowner may face the threat of liability. Having the protection of reliable insurance in place offers peace of mind and security from financial losses. The agents at Cross Creek Insurance are proud to offer the residents of Hope Hills, NC, and the surrounding areas top insurance products to protect them. 

Home Insurance Protection

Home insurance coverage protects homeowners against losses such as fire, theft, unexpected damage, and vandalism. It also offers protection from liability. For example, if a guest hurts themselves on your property, your home insurance may cover the expenses related to injuries. It’s a way to ensure you don’t incur financial losses due to your actions or incidents on your property. 

If you are unsure how to secure your home insurance, our agents will assist you. We can carefully assess your current needs and sit down with you to provide you with carefully matched insurance products to provide a solution. Not only do we offer support and service while you search for insurance products, but we also provide service for any changes you encounter or covered claims submissions. 

Learn More Today

If you want to secure home insurance coverage that offers liability protection, please get in touch with Cross Creek Insurance, which serves Hope Hills, NC. Our team of experts is standing by to help you get the insurance protection you need for peace of mind. Don’t wait to cover what matters to you and prevent financial losses due to liability claims and other covered events. 

Your Business Needs the Protection of Commercial Insurance

Protect your business with commercial insurance if you are a business owner in the Hope Hills, NC area. The professionals at Cross Creek Insurance can get you started today with the protection your business needs.

First, ensure you are working with an agent with vast experience in commercial insurance. The agent can discuss typical losses in your industry and provide coverage options for your business. Open communication is critical.

Commercial insurance is vital for businesses. It protects from commonly experienced losses, including theft, property damage, employee injury, and liability. Without the proper coverage, your business would recover more easily than without it. The risk of going out of business is excellent without this coverage.

There are three types of commercial insurance to consider.

Liability coverage protects you from injuries on business property to clients and customers. Property insurance provides protection for the property from events such as flood damage or fire. Workers’ compensation protects the business if an employee is injured or becomes ill because of their job. It also stops employees from filing a lawsuit against the company for negligence. Within each of these categories, specialized forms of coverage can protect you from business-specific liability.

Commercial insurance is probably the most significant investment you can make in your business. The severe financial loss you could suffer in the event of a lawsuit can make the difference between remaining in business and going under. Don’t risk everything you have worked hard to build.

The insurance pros at Cross Creek insurance can discuss all the options available to you and provide a no-obligation quote to get you started. Protect your livelihood with commercial insurance. Contact our office today. You will be glad you did.

Life Insurance Protects the Future of Your Loved Ones

What would happen to your spouse and kids if something happened to you? Life insurance protection removes any doubt about their future financial security. Cross Creek Insurance provides this protection in and around the Hope Hills, NC area.

Life insurance provides financial security, pays off debt, helps pay for living expenses, and pays any medical bills or final expenses. A life insurance policy provides money when it is most needed. Your beneficiaries receive the policy payout immediately and are not subject to federal income tax. If your policy is for $500,000, that is the amount your beneficiary will receive.

First, determine how much insurance you need to meet goals over time and what you can afford to pay for. Then learn what types of insurance will meet your needs. After considering initial premium payments, along with any increases in premiums over time, additional death benefits, and any living benefits that could be utilized before death, choose the type of policy or combination of policies that will best meet your needs.

If you are a young individual wondering why this type of coverage would help you, consider this. Accidents and illnesses can occur anytime to anyone, regardless of age. If you have a young family, don’t leave them wondering what their future would look like without you.

The legacy of a life insurance policy can provide you with lasting peace of mind knowing your family will be taken care of. Working with Cross Creek Insurance professionals can help simplify the process. They can explain the difference between the types of policies, calculate the amount of coverage you need, and identify any potential options that will suit your needs. Contact our team today. You will be glad you did.

Traveling For the Holidays? Tips to Help You Stay Safe While on the Roads

Thousands of people are expected to head out on a road trip this holiday season. If you are one of them, you may be excited to travel to see your friends and family for the holiday. However, before you hit the roads, the team at Cross Creek Insurance, providing auto insurance to the residents of Hope Hills, NC, has some tips to help you stay safe on your road trip. 

Get Your Car Inspected Before You Head Out

Anytime you go on a road trip, you should let a mechanic inspect your car. This can help ensure your vehicle is safe to travel in and helps you to avoid mechanical failures that may leave you stranded on the side of the road. 

Map Out Your Route Before You Leave

While many people use their phones to help them navigate, you should always map out your route ahead of time and familiarize yourself with it before you leave. You may encounter areas with poor reception, so having a general idea of what exits to take can be crucial. 

Take Your Time While Driving

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season should not apply to your driving. Instead of hustling to get to your destination, you should take it slow. Always set aside plenty of time to reach your destination to help you stay safe as you travel this holiday season. 

The insurance agents at Cross Creek Insurance, serving the residents of the greater Hope Hills, NC area, hope you stay safe while traveling this holiday season. If you are looking to purchase a new auto insurance policy, our team can help. Call us today, and let us provide you with an estimate for auto insurance. 

Putting Up Holiday Decorations? Tips to Help You Avoid Home Damage When Decorating for the Holidays

The holidays are here, and many homeowners decorate to celebrate. Unfortunately, during the process, many homeowners also make mistakes that can damage their homes. Here at Cross Creek Insurance, providing Hope Hills, NC residents with home insurance, we want to help you celebrate without damaging your home.

Here are a few tips to help you avoid home damage as you decorate for the holidays. 

Never Use Nails to Secure Outdoor Lights

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make is using nails to nail their holiday lights on their roofs or gutters. This can lead to water leaks and siding damage. Always use light clips instead of things like staples or nails. 

Keep Your Inflatables Away From Your Home’s Siding

Another common mistake homeowners make when decorating for the holidays is placing their inflatables against the siding of their homes. The inflatables can trap water or moisture against the siding of your home, leading to rot. Always leave enough space between the siding on your home and your lawn inflatables. 

Do Not Overload Your Electric System

Lastly, ensure you never overload your electric system as you decorate for the holidays. If your lights start to flicker or you pop circuits, you are overloading your system. This can lead to electric fires or major electric system issues. 

While you can work to prevent damage to your home caused by decorations, not every type of home damage can be prevented. This is why home insurance is so important. If you are in the market for a new insurance policy or are unsure if your current policy best meets your needs in the greater Hope Hills, NC area, the team at Cross Creek Insurance can help. Call us today to get started. 

Understanding Commercial Flood Insurance in North Carolina

If you’re reading the news, you’re seeing stories of catastrophic flooding across the U.S. From Kentucky to Florida, significant flooding events have caused untold damage to homes and businesses, and it’s clear that protection against these risks is essential. Cross Creek Insurance wants you to be protected when it comes to flood risk near Hope Hills, NC. Here are some tips you need to know.

North Carolina Insurance Coverage

According to the North Carolina Department of Insurance, flood and earthquake coverage is not part of most typical insurance policies. While earthquake policies can be private add-ons, flood insurance is legally required to go through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP sets flood insurance rates and designates which locations are eligible for flood insurance by county and zip code.

Additional Business Insurance

While you cannot get direct flood insurance outside of the NFIP, many business insurance policies may support you if you fear flood risk in a non-traditional flood area. Business insurance policies can often be expanded to insure against loss of product and revenue. Property insurance can help support risks to your building or store inventory. Loss of Use style policies can help support your business if you are forced to close for any reason. Liability policies can help protect against risk or injury to a person and your damaged property.

Many businesses bundle policies with a qualified insurance agent, often called a comprehensive policy. These bundled policies can help protect against damage in all areas of your business, from flood to fire. Cross Creek Insurance experts can help ensure you aren’t missing any critical areas of coverage for business in Hope Hills, NC. Contact us today.

How to Decide on Life Insurance in Hope Hills, NC

Life can throw many curve balls our way, and sometimes it’s hard to know what kind of life insurance policy is right for us.

Here are a few things to think about when you’re trying to decide on life insurance in Hope Hills, NC:

What is Your Current Financial Situation?

This includes things like your income, your debts, and your overall financial goals. You’ll want to ensure you have enough life insurance to cover your debts and final expenses, but you don’t want to over-insure yourself and miss out on other financial opportunities. Your Cross Creek Insurance agent can help you determine how much life insurance you need based on your current financial situation.

What is Your Family Situation?

Do you have a spouse or partner? Children? Other dependents? Your life insurance policy should protect your loved ones in the event of your death. If you have a stay-at-home spouse, you’ll want to make sure they have enough money to pay certain expenses, such as the mortgage or child care, in the event of your death. If you have adult children, you may not need as much life insurance, but you’ll still want to ensure they’re taken care of financially in case of your death.

What is Your Lifestyle?

Your lifestyle choices can impact your life insurance needs. If you have risky hobbies, such as rock climbing or bungee jumping, you may need to purchase a more expensive policy with higher coverage. If you smoke cigarettes, you’ll also pay more for life insurance.

Our lives are constantly changing, and so are our life insurance needs. It’s important to review your life insurance policy every few years to ensure it still meets your needs. If you have any questions about life insurance in Hope Hills, NC, or if you need to review your policy, contact Cross Creek Insurance today. We’re here to help you make the best decisions for your family.

Is having auto insurance important in Hope Hills?

Anyone living in the Hope Hills, NC area will find owning a car is a smart idea. When you choose to purchase a vehicle, you also need to make sure you get the right insurance for it. There are various reasons why you must select an auto insurance policy in this part of the state. 

Meet Legal Standards

A reason that you will want to have auto insurance in this part of North Carolina is so you can meet the standards and requirements set by the law. Similar to other states, you must carry auto insurance when driving on a public road. At a minimum, you will want auto liability insurance, which is required to ensure you can cover damages if you cause an accident while behind the wheel. 

Cover Your Car

While you must have insurance to be in good standing with the law, you also need support to cover your car. Investing in a full insurance plan with comprehensive coverage will include support if your vehicle is stolen or damaged in an accident. This coverage may also be required if you take out a loan when purchasing your car. 

Being a vehicle owner in the Hope Hills, NC area will always come with responsibilities. If you want to buy a car when you are here, it would be a good idea to call the team with Cross Creek Insurance. These professionals offer a lot of support to help you select an ideal policy. Ultimately, Cross Creek Insurance can protect your car and will provide you with peace of mind.