6 Parts of Home Insurance You Need to Know About

Home insurance in North Carolina is a special type of insurance called a multi-peril policy. What does a multi-peril policy do? It covers you for several types of scenarios at once, such as medical payments from accidents and property damage. Here at Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC, we’ll show you the six parts that make up home insurance in North Carolina.

A. Dwelling – Often determined by the home’s market value, this part of your home insurance covers major damage to the house and the structural buildings that are attached to it. 

B. Other Structures – This part of the policy takes care of the structures on your property that aren’t attached to the house, such as sheds and separated garages. 

C. Personal Property – This section helps pay for the contents lost that you or family members who reside with you own. Take caution that it may not cover everything, so purchasing additional riders would be wise. 

D. Loss of Use – Loss of use helps pay for the meals and lodging expenses you could have if the home cannot be inhabited after a natural disaster.

E. Personal Liability – If an accident happens at your home, you will probably be responsible. This section helps pay for the costs from such accidents and protects your liability.

F. Medical Payments to Others – Similar to section E, this part helps pay for the medical expenses of the person who was hurt.

Many more details are included in a North Carolina insurance policy. To find out if a specific scenario will be covered or not by your home insurance, contact us today at Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC. You can also email us anytime at your convenience.