Myths about Life Insurance

There are a lot of common myths about life insurance in Hope Hills, NC that can stand in the way of you getting proper coverage.

Employer-Provided Life Insurance Is All You Need: An employer may provide life insurance, and you may be able to purchase more worth up to six times your salary, but to provide for dependents you typically need more. You may also lose the insurance when you leave the job, and while you may convert, it’s typically more expensive than just purchasing a policy today on your own.

Only a Breadwinner Needs It: If something happens to a stay-at-home spouse, then the breadwinner will need to hire someone to care for the children and clean, which can be expensive. It’s a good idea to have insurance on both spouses. This way, the working spouse can also take some time off to help the family adjust.

You Are Too Young to Worry about It: It actually makes more sense to get life insurance when you are young, since it’s usually less expensive and you don’t have medical conditions that could disqualify you. By the time you need life insurance, it could be too late, which makes it a good idea to purchase it as soon as you are able to.

You Can’t Get It If You Have Health Issues: You can generally buy term life insurance, even with some health issues. It may mean higher premiums, but you should still be able to find insurance. Speak with an agent at Cross Creek Insurance if you have some health issues.

You Don’t Need It If You Are Single: You may still have family that relies on you, such as aging parents. Benefits can also be used to pay for burial costs, so your family doesn’t have to go into debt.

Contact an agent at Cross Creek Insurance, serving Hope Hills, NC, to get a quote on life insurance.